The combined road / rail transport was introduced in europe fifty years ago and today represents an important option for freight transport.
This traffic system combines different methods of transport in a single chain, thus adding their respective advantages.
Since 2010, we operate in intermodal transport with bases at the Busto arsizio and Novara interports. We hereby commit to rail transport, and thus make an important contribution to the industry wide shift of goods traffic from road to rail.

From special terminals, trucks and their loads are loaded on the train and the drivers travel in an accompanying train wagon.
Since 2001 we take advantage of the connection between Freiburg im Breisgau and Novara.
The rola is an important element of swiss policy, it is an ideal alternative to unaccompanied combined traffic.
This service is important for urgent shipments, for just-in-time deliveries and for valuable goods that require constant accompanying.