Giving the needy what is necessary to them is to give back what is due, not give up ours.It is a matter of justice, not an act of mercy".
San Gregorio Magno
Inspired by the Gospel, we believe in the need to recover fundamental values, starting with human relationships, which in order to be good must reach out to the weakest.
We collaborate with Unitalsi to transport sick and pilgrims to Lourdes and to the international Marian Shrines and to support with small offerings people in difficulty because they are alone, elderly and with disabilities.
Unitalsi was founded in 1903 on the initiative of Giovanni Battista Tomassi, who was 22 years old at the time, the last ten of which were spent in a wheelchair for a serious form of acute and irreversible arthritis; he decided, if he did not get cured, to kill himself in front of the grotto of Lourdes: he did not receive this miracle but, struck by the loving care of the volunteers to the sick, he renounced his purpose. At the station of Lourdes, on his return to Italy, he hands over the gun he has with him and declares to the bishop Monsignor Radini Tedeschi, spiritual director of the pilgrimage, and to the young priest who accompanies him, Don Angelo Roncalli (future Pope John XXIII), his intention to found an association for the transport of the sick.
Sottosezione di Merate
Via Papa Giovanni XXIII°, 24
23807 - Merate (LC)
C.F. 04900180581
Cellulare: 366.93.81.694
Toghether we go to Lourdes
IBAN: IT59T0503451532000000041961