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UETR welcomes the EP vote on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation

UETR welcomes the vote of the Plenary Session of the European Parliament on the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation.

This outcome represents an ambitious approach to the full and effective deployment of such infrastructure in the EU.

Julio Villaescusa, UETR President, said “We acknowledge the Parliament’s big effort- energy transition is a must to us and we trust this ambitious approach will result into the fast development of available, adequate and extensive infrastructure all over the EU, meeting the needs of road hauliers in terms of capacity, power level, transparency and costs.” UETR supports the timeline, energy mix and technology neutrality for road transport fuels and the inclusion of mandatory targets taking into account both users and flows. In parallel with the swift adoption of an ambitious AFIR, energy prices crisis needs to be successfully solved by the EU. “For road transport SMEs to get to a green, workable and affordable operational environment, and ensure that hauliers embrace successfully their role in the ecological transition.” said UETR Secretary General Marco Digioia.


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